Product development
Bringing ideas into shape
In close cooperation with our customers, optimally designed geometries are created in the course of joint product development to ensure that the article can be manufactured reliably. Your ideas are implemented in our in-house design department. We rely on the many years of experience of our competent team of developers and designers and the continuous training of our young junior designers. Our systems are equipped with all common interfaces. Smooth data exchange is pre-programmed.
Right from the start of product development, we focus on simulating the ideas to be implemented.
Filling studies
We rely on simulating the ideas to be implemented right from the start. Stress situations can be reconstructed using FEM calculation so as to arrive at the optimum material and geometrical configuration. Before machining of the injection moulding tool begins, filling analyses are employed to guarantee an optimum melt flow so that your product can be reliably manufactured in flawless quality.
Fibre alignment
The cooling process of a plastic part involves an unavoidable distortion which is influenced by shrinkage interference (geometries, fibres, etc.). Distortion analysis can specifically implement a defined “prestressing” in the tool, so that parts will pull themselves straight, as it were, enabling parts to be produced according to the drawing.
Joint lines and air pockets
Injection moulding can lead to joint lines and air pockets during mould filling when flow fronts meet each other. These places can form weak points in the article. To obviate this, preliminary simulation is employed to anticipate these positions and introduce specific structural changes to the tool.
The cooling process of a plastic part involves an unavoidable distortion which is influenced by shrinkage interference (geometries, fibres, etc.). Distortion analysis can specifically implement a defined “prestressing” in the tool, so that parts will pull themselves straight, as it were, enabling parts to be produced according to the drawing.
Tool & mould making – realising special forms
Von der Konstruktion geht es innerhalb des Produktentstehungsprozesses nahtlos weiter zum firmeneigenen Werkzeugbau. Computergesteuerte Werkzeugmaschinen werden online über 3D-CAM mit den in der Konstruktion erstellten Daten versorgt, um sie in die benötigten Spritzgussformen umzusetzen. Modernste CNC-Technik garantiert die erforderliche Genauigkeit. Rapid Prototyping ermöglicht das kostengünstige Herstellen von Mustern und Prototypenteilen mit hohem Qualitätsstandard bei kurzfristigen Projekten. Mit der gleichen Sorgfalt, mit der wir die Werkzeuge bauen, werden sie von uns gewartet und eingelagert. Damit geben wir Ihnen die Sicherheit, dass Nachbestellungen problemlos in der gewohnt hohen Qualität und zeitnah realisiert werden können. Die hohe Perfektion resultiert aus dem Know-how unserer langjährigen, bestens geschulten Mitarbeiter. Um auch in Zukunft auf qualifiziertes Personal bauen zu können, wird im eigenen Betrieb gründlich ausgebildet, wobei die langfristige Ausrichtung im Fokus steht. Dies führt letztlich auch zu einer sehr wirtschaftlichen Arbeitsweise, die voll und ganz unseren Kunden in Form von günstigen Preisen zu Gute kommt.
Injection moulding – Finished form production
We manufacture your products on a total of 57 injection moulding machines with locking pressures of up to 500 tonnes and part weights of up to 2,000 grammes. Targeted investment in keeping our modern machine park up to date means we can sustainably offer maximum performance.
With a state-of-the-art MES system (PDE/CAQ) all machines are interconnected and, visualized via control station technology, can be viewed and monitored at any PC workstation.
A wide range of inserts, especially in metal, for various automobile suppliers and for machine construction, are extrusion-coated with high-technology special polymers or other materials. This area also includes the manufacture of extrusion-coated spindles, rollers and cylinders with sub-sequent grinding.